Wednesday, October 19, 2005

First Impressions: not quite impressive, probably a case of unrealistic expectations. Textbook orientation when it comes to Temperate climate.
Materials: Bamboo for Flooring & Cabinetry
My Take: Everything dictated by manufacturers willing to sponser, probable lack of innovation.
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

101805-Solar Decathlon

Went to national mall-DC last weekend. 'Solar Decathlon' - the name clearly suggests something to do with sun (which fortunately made an appearance after a wet-wet-week).
My humble opinion - the designs displayed had a miniscule response to sun & it's behavior.
As a practicing architect - I was there to get some fresh inputs on what architecture schools are upto esp. US schools. The most apparent theme to all designs was - how much they were molded by the sponsers. I understand - sponsers need to have their opinions displayed - how else do you get the funding. Maybe the schools themselves could have done it.
I have to give credit to all the students participating in such a project as building with one's own hands. The amount of insight & understanding they must have gained gives them a tremendous edge - it'll pay off in the not so distant future. (so much for life cycle costing)